Hey Guys!
I hope you all had a beautiful and restful holiday week with family, friends, booze, cookies, time to do your laundry and actually access the Netflix and Hulu accounts you pay for... everything your heart desired. This post comes a week late but I couldn't skip a Mixie Picks post. I hope you'll take my recommendations from 2016 into account when planning your 2017. :)

This year has been rough for many of us in different ways. Today marks my one year anniversary of making a major career adjustment. I began a full time teaching position at a public middle school. The kids treated me like the sub of the century in the beginning... but it's getting better and easier every day. Even though I teach theatre, a lot of my time unfortunately wasn't spent on singing this year, so you'll notice that my Mixie Picks list for 2016 is appropriately... well... a MIX of things having to do with singing and some having nothing at all to do with singing... because as closely related as I am to Maria Von Trapp, no amount of singing could help this b^*%@, so I needed some other vices. Here are the simple pleasures that got me through to the other side.

Dear Evan Hansen - This was a favorite this year, for sure, and it completely rejuvenated my excitement for new musical theatre. Truth be told, I haven't enjoyed seeing shows lately because I can't stay up late enough anymore to watch an 8pm show, and I inevitably end up sitting next to some huge guy who breathes too loud or whose nose whistles and distracts me through the whole thing. So I just haven't really GONE to see shows lately. But
Dear Evan Hansen, despite the loud breather next to me, was something that I LOVED. Ben Platt is a freaking MACHINE and I can't wait for the soundtrack to come out. It really felt like one of those unforgettable nights of theater that happens once and won't ever happen again. You could have heard a PIN DROP in the audience...(except the man who was breathing next to me) and if you like your shows LOUD/SURROUND SOUND like I do, this is for you.
She Loves Me - Ok. When everybody else was flipping out about Hamilton, I was flipping out about She Loves Me. If you haven't seen this, you should watch the live taping they did for television this summer. Too good to miss. When I was in middle school, if I wasn't watching the Food Network I could be spotted watching the live taping of Kiss Me Kate starring Rachel York on repeat. This would have been my next repeat obsession if I were still 12. The set alone was incredible but Gavin Creel....? I mean....

Impractical Jokers and Worst Cooks Celebrity Edition - These two shows have been around for a long time but they are a must for me lately. Impractical Jokers, a new discovery for me, is a hidden camera show on TruTV with four guys who dare each other to do crazy things in public. These guys kind of remind me a little of my dad and uncles so maybe that's why I love it, but I have never laughed so hard. Worst Cooks Celebrity Edition is a reality show involving celebrities who happen to be awful cooks competing for $25,000 to give to the charity of their choice. Both of these shows have helped me wind down at night. No drama, no tension... just really funny.
4. Cynthia Erivo on The Last Five Years - Ok, so, you know it would not be a post from me unless I somehow mentioned Sherie Rene Scott... In September Jason Robert Brown hosted a live benefit concert of The Last Five Years starring Joshua Henry and Cynthia Erivo, two of my musical theater voice crushes. I can officially say... and while this is very difficult for me, it must be said... I do believe that Cynthia Erivo's voice is what my adult Kathy-wannabe ears want to hear on this music. I was introduced to this show when I was 15 when my chorus teacher saw it and shared the cast recording with us the next day. SRS's voice was what I aspired to BE from 15-present day. But it's almost as if the musical grew up with me... and I have the sound I fell in love with when I was 15 and now the sound I feel closer to emotionally as a 29 year old. I've never heard two cast recordings of the same show and loved two different versions for completely different reasons.... So if you haven't heard Cynthia Erivo sing this show, DO IT.

Numero 28 Pizzeria - Ok so... this is not the first time I've recommended a pizza in my annual picks. Previously, I nominated Trader Joe's Gluten Free pizza as my favorite food of 2014. We've come a long way, my friends. We've come a long way. If you eat gluten free, you need to IMMEDIATELY find yourself a Numero 28 restaurant and order a pie. It's a non-negotiable. The tomato sauce is magical and the crust is not like cardboard. I'm sorry... look at that pizza. The only thing that keeps me from eating it every night is that they don't take pick-up orders over the phone. You have to order in person and sit and wait. Ain't nobody got time for that, so Chipotle it usually is.

Making a Murderer - I feel badly saying this is a favorite thing of mine this year because the subject matter is very sad and disturbing, but this is a fascinating documentary and I think everybody in this COUNTRY needs to see it.

Niagara Falls - Holy s$%&. Just go. And do the boat ride. It's worth it.

The 2016 Microsoft Office Free Trial: I mean... ok. Guys, I didn't even realize but I was using Microsoft Office 2008 up until last week. I was already pretty proud of my PowerPoint presentations but I didn't even know how many first world problems I had until I installed this new free trial. The update is worth the cost. Do it. In 2017, the docs are gonna fly!
9. DonorsChoose.org If you are a teacher and have never used DonorsChoose.org, you must. My entire school musical was essentially donated by some complete strangers who believe in giving kids access to the arts. We are so grateful and I cannot wait until February when our show opens. Seeing the kids' faces as they've been opening the boxes of materials we've received ... and knowing they're going to be proud of the show they put up in February... That's what I'm excited for in 2017!
Only 9 this year, folks! And that basically sums up my 2016... too tired to give a sh^t about coming up with a 10th thing. What were your vices this year????
Happy 2017!!!!