Saturday, March 29, 2014

To Infinity and Beyond: The Vocal Ceiling… and How There Isn't One

I pride myself on how rarely people have NBD's (nervous breakdowns) when they visit me for a lesson but of course there will be the occasional teary moment or two because we're all artists and we're emotional people.  It's to be expected… but often times when this brief half-meltdown occurs it's because people are way too hard on themselves.  When I ask what's wrong the response usually starts with, "Sorry, I'm just frustrated with myself because I just can't …"
Think of this video the next time you feel like you'll never be good enough.   I clicked it in the first place so I could have the same "feel good moment" everybody else on social media was having…and then I laughed my ass off at the end and shook my head, "Wow!"

The video shows a mom teaching her baby her first word which was "Happy."  They both laugh hysterically and celebrate the new milestone together…. for all of 1 minute and 31 seconds.  And then do you hear what happens in the last 2 seconds? Just the last 2 seconds.  Hilarious (though I secretly feel as if I have to talk to a therapist about it immediately lol).

None of us will ever be COOKED as singers and I implore you to realize this as we see this poor kid about to meet the harsh reality that "Happy" is not the only word she'd have to learn to get more of that fleeting response.  We're always working on something … whether it's some difficult concept like anchoring or mixing or vibrato; or whether we're trying to get to Broadway, have been on Broadway 10 times or have won a Grammy.  When we hit singing milestones we should celebrate for more than just 1 minute and 31 seconds and take the time to give ourselves the well-deserved pat on the back because we're never going to "graduate singing."  There's always more to learn and more to work on.  Just as there are about 600,000 words in the English dictionary (according to Siri whose only skill is giving consistently incorrect information so don't quote me) , there are probably 600,000 things you can do with your voice as a singer, as well.  Know you're not the only one overwhelmed by the thought of having to keep up with the ever-changing expectations of casting directors, coaches and …yes…sometimes even your mom….  and nobody including your teachers or vocal idols will ever touch the vocal ceiling.  Ever.  So just be happy while you try!

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  1. I like how you said we never "graduate singing" there is always something to be learned!

  2. Oh my goodness this registered very close to home this week. After a few teary lessons (and fearing that I was going crazy - I'm not a crier!!) this is exactly what I needed to hear! Thanks Jen - always look forward to your new posts.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Corinne! I'm glad it helped! :)
